Monday, 13 January 2014


Most of the Students requested for the starting salaries after MS. These salaries by Majors will answer their questions. Entry level salaries varies between 35k - 170k. In general salaries depend upon your Graduate School reputation and your Major.

CS and MIS Graduate degree holders are paying high when compared to other majors. You can expect 100k+ salary in TOP SCHOOLS only.
Now, this list might be long and will drastically vary from every applicant. Still, the normal expenses in this category are as follows:

a) Counselling: Applicants, rather lazy applicants, who feel that a counsellor can fit in their shoes and get them to Stanford or Berkeley shell out anything from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000. We've assumed the average at Rs. 25,000.

b) Transcripts on the college letter head (around 15 copies), Bank Statements (15), Affidavit (15) with the sponsors name on it (15) and Dispatching them to the university (major expenditure of the lot). This, altogether, should not cost more than Rs. 8,000.

In some cases, students make multiple copies of the Letter of Recommendations (LoRs) and Statement of Purpose (SoP) and unnecessarily burn an extra 500 bucks or so.

Major Entry Level Salary in USD :

1 MS in Computer Science (MS in CS) 50,000 - 170,000
2 MS in Electrical Engineering 40,000 - 95,000
3 MS in Mechanical Engineering 35,000 - 85,000
4. MS in Chemical Engieering 40,000 - 75, 000
5. MSin Civil / Environmental Engineering 40,000 - 72, 000
6. MS in Management Information Systems (MIS) 50,000 - 160,000
7. MS in Biotechnology / Bioinformatics 45,000 - 65,000
8. MS in Industrial Engineering 40,000 - 70,000
8. MS in Mathematics or Statistics 35,000 - 70,000
8. MS in Physics or Chemistry 40,000 - 75,000

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